Our mission is to address the mental illness epidemic by relying on science & research, by making psychedelic-assisted therapies available to those in need.
How the Mission Got Started
First and only patient-driven advocacy organization dedicated to securing federal funding for research on psychedelic-assisted mental health therapies.
Began by raising private funds to support clinical trials.
Team comprised of early clinical trial participants for studies investigating substance use & PTSD.
Became a trusted partner in enrolling clinical trial participants.
Aligned with prestigious Heffter Research Institute.
Formed a ‘dream team’ of experts and currently educating lawmakers on federal policy to save lives and advance mental healthcare.
Unlock federal funding to advance medical research in psychedelic-assisted therapies by changing current policies.
Create an environment where HHS, NIH, FDA, and CMS will fund & support psychedelic research.
Drive participation in clinical trials.
Educate lawmakers and opinion leaders on the hope and promise of psychedelic medicine.
Prioritizing the Future of Mental Health
We know the power & potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy to save lives and provide better and new treatment options for mental health disorders.
We are not involved in efforts to legalize or decriminalize psychedelics for use outside of qualified scientific and healthcare settings.
Our focus is to increase the reach of scientific innovation with federal funding and hasten the speed that proven treatments can become available to patients